There are many producers who do not understand how to control the cost of construction costs and in the current situation. The way to withdraw the cost is the plus plus rights. There is no way beyond that. But the producer BVS N Prasad has danlalakshmi the door of the government of London. What is that? Let's see. Prasad Gari Team, who is producing Akhil Third film under the direction of Venky Attarri, is currently in London for some time shooting. The key part of the story is to stay there with a huge expenditure. According to Inside Talk, London Part Budget is a budget of Rs 20 crore. Wommo seems to be fun. But the Kamaraj Prasad is getting over from the London government.
The government has taken measures to make up 50 per cent of the budget for the foreign films that are shooting in their country. That means 10 crore is officially withdrawn from Prasad. It is not the words that fall short of two small films. It's definitely good for the producer. This kind of flexibility can not come now. Earlier, Prasad Gaye had a love interest in his first film, but not 50 per cent. Prasad is so excited to get all of the film to the Akhil Movie. After completion of the schedule, the shooting will be completed with Hyderabad's Balance. The title of Mr. Majnu is in the consideration and it is in the mind to change it.
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