Nithin-And-Raashi-Khanna-Srinivasa-Kalyanam-Movie-Audio-Poster - TOLLYWOODNEWS


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July 21, 2018


"Lover" came from the Dil Raju Company yesterday. Meanwhile, promotions related to another film have been made. Next is the movie 'Srinivasa Kalyanam' from Dil Raju company. Nitin - Rashikha is heroine and is directed by Satish Vageshana. The film is brought to the audience on August 9th, released by Bommarillu. Dil Raju - Satish Vageshana is the film that will be followed by 'Sathamamana Bhavathi' which has brought the National Award. The audience has huge expectations. Dil Raju promotes the film. From the very beginning, he has special attention on this film. Reaping into the audio market.
On Saturday, a poster was released. Nitin - Rashikhana is superb. Nitin is the jewel of the heroine. This pick is how cool the movie is - how much romantic it will be. The film is about the story of the film being created around the marriage.
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