But now it is ... Any kind of leaks that are taken care of. Even the most amusing security behind the bahubali scenes are also out of the night. I had a look before Bharat, who was very early. Director Korathala Shiva had to make a request to Lee through Twitter. NTR - Naga Babu's sequences in NTR 'Aravindha Samata' were once again forgotten by the leak.
Around the same team was alerted. The director experienced Trivikram's experience at the time of 'Attarintiki Dharedhi'. The film is about half the film. Trivikram, who did not want to repeat those headaches, put his strict rules on his set. No one should come there with a cell phone. It is a mistake to warn anyone that the cell phone will be seen by anyone. It was decided to shoot the entire film between those rules. Most leaks are beginning to take care of the front sets so that home thieves do.
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